The good group leader makes himself increasingly unnecessary as the group develops - Joshua Leburn
The archer is not known by his arrow, but by his aim. | Let him who would move the world first move himself - Socrates |
Youth follow the crowd - leadership determines which crowd! | One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognise a problem before it becomes an emergency - Arnold H Glascow | The world would be silent if no birds sang except those that sing best. |
The great thing in life is not where we stand, but in which direction we are going. | The life you live is the lesson you teach |
A Leader is best When people barely know he exists Not so good When people obey and acclaim him Worse when they despise him But of a good leader who talks little When his work is done, His aim fulfilled, They will say "We did it ourselves" - Lao.Tse (C565 B.C) |
Characteristics of effective leaders...
in the days before the metric system a yardstick was a practical tool, much like knives and forks. While a yard had three feet, this yardstick has four. With it in hand, make periodic mental measuring trips through your weekly programs, applying the "four feet" to them.
(This note is based on guidelines suggested by the Late A.M.Harding, Director, YMCA Canada.)
© 2010 Ian Moggs, all rights reserved.
Last updated 22nd March 2010.
Email me anytime - i2 @ robian .net (without the spaces).