A part of Scouting is Reverence for our God (whomever that may be personally).
Here are a number of Graces, used to express thanks, particularly before meals.
However, some of the graces below, such as the "gum trees" one, would also be suitable as part of a Scout's Own.
Grace | Suitable Tune(s) |
THE SCOUT GRACE Oh Lord the giver of all good We thank you for our daily food May Scouting friends and Scouting ways Help us to serve you all our days Amen. |
Traditional Old Hundredth Hernando's Hideaway Greensleeves Rock Around the Clock Eidelweiss Camptown Races (doo dah) American Marching Chant (leader yells out each line, everyone repeats) |
For life and health and daily food We praise Your Name oh Lord For Fellowship and all things good, We give You thanks oh Lord Amen. |
Traditional Advance Australia Fair It's a Small World Amazing Grace Mary had a little lamb Pop goes the Weasel |
Be Present at our table Lord, Be here and everywhere adored, These mercies bless and grant that we May love and serve you faithfully. |
Traditional Hernando's Hideaway |
Father God, Father God, For thy blessing we thank thee, Telling us, of Thy grace, And Your blessing towards us. Grant that our service may be of use In our lives endeavour, Father God, Father God, Bless us now and forever. |
Edelweiss |
At our table Lord, We praise you For good food oh Lord, we thank you, For our brotherhood, hear us pray Oh Lord, we thank you, Oh Lord, we thank you. |
Kum-Ba-Yah |
Be Present at our table Lord, Halle-lu-jah Be here and everywhere adored, Halle-lu-jah These mercies bless and grant that we Halle-lu-jah May love and serve you faithfully. Halle-lu-jah |
Michael Row the Ashore |
A-B-C-D-E-F-G Thank you, God for feeding me. H-I-J-K-L-M-N-0 You're so good to me I know |
first four lines of "The Alphabet Song" |
Da da de da * *, da da de da * * Da da de da, da da de da, da da de da * * Our God is very good, and so we think we should Thank Him for our food, so thank you God, Amen Da da de da * * da da de da * * Da da de da, da da de da, da da de da * *. |
Addams Family Theme (* = 1 click of the fingers) |
God is great, God is good And we're gonna thank Him for our food We're gonna thank you Lord, morning noon and night We're gonna thank you Lord, cause you're outa sight Amen ** Amen ** Amen **** |
Rock Around the Clock |
Our father, our father Once again, once again We would ask your blessing, We would ask your blessing, Amen, Amen. |
Frere Jacques |
The Lord is good to me, And so I thank the Lord For giving me the things I need The sun, the rain, the apple seed The Lord is good to me. |
Johnny Appleseed |
For the food we eat, we thank you. For the friends we meet, kind and true. For the fun we share, all day through. Oh Lord, we thank you. |
Kum-Ba-Yah |
God is -- great -- and God is -- good And let us thank Him for our food. God is -- great -- and God is -- good And let us thank Him for our food. Amen. Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-men. Amen. Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-men. God is -- great -- and God is -- good And let us thank Him for our... We'll thank Him for our... We'll thank Him for our food! |
the Flintstones Theme Song |
Thank you Lord for giving us food Thank you Lord for giving us food For the food we eat, the people we meet Thank you Lord for giving us food |
"Superman" theme (Assume flying pose and change from side to side after each line) |
Bless our friends, bless our food, Come, O Lord, and sit with us. May our talk glow with peace, Bring Your love to surround us. Friendship and peace, may it bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever; Bless our friends, bless our food, Bless our loved ones forever. |
Edelweiss |
Thank you our Lord For all this food today We'll Ne'er forget All you have given us. |
Somewhere my Love |
We thank you Lord for the gum trees The sun and fresh breeze, The grass outside and the garden wide, The food upon our plate The water in our cup And the friendship that we share. |
Home Among the Gum Trees |
1st Voice - Allelu, Allelu, Allelu, Allelu 2nd Voice - Praise the Lord 1st Voice - Allelu, Allelu, Allelu, Allelu 2nd Voice - Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord 1st Voice - Allelu 2nd Voice - Praise Ye the Lord 1st Voice - Allelu 2nd Voice - Praise Ye the Lord 1st Voice - Allelu Both - Praise the Lord |
Allelu Chorus |
Please make us ever thankful Lord Be present while we pray For food to eat and friends to meet Bless all of us today. |
Auld Lang Syne |
Father as we bow before you We give thanks for all your care For this food now spread before us And for those with whom we share |
The Carnival is Over |
ZIP-A-DEE-DO-DAH, ZIP-A-DEE AY. Thank you Lord For this wonderful day Plenty of good food, Heading mhy way Thank you God For this wonderful day. |
Zip-a-dee-do-dah |
"RIGHT " The camp is good! (right) God is good! (Right) The Leaders are good! (…..yeah, right!) The food is good! (right) So let’s eat (RIGHT!!) |
spoken- leader asks questions, all the answers are “RIGHT!” |
Thank you Lord for this food We remember the giver May we each one and all Praise your great name forever |
Edelweiss |
We're hungry and we're thirsty The food is really yummy We have to fill our tummy So we thank the Lord |
Addams Family (Click fingers in tune) Da Da Da Dum Da Da Da Dum |
We praise Thy name at every meal of every single day The leaders who are on this course give thanks in every way The weather it can do its worst for you are guiding us O thank you God for everything that you do for us |
Ghost Riders in the Sky |
Let's thank the Lord for the food on the table Let's thank the Lord for the hand that prepared Let's thank the Lord for the fellowship and friendship Let's thank the Lord for the fact that we're here |
Waltzing Matilda |
On this table is food that you've given And for this Lord, we give thanks to you There are some in this world who are hungry And we ask Lord, provide for them too. |
Red River Valley |
Hark to the chimes Come bow your head We thank Thee Lord For this good bread |
Chimes |
Scouts come and join in grace with me Thanking God for all to see, Praise Him, Oh Praise Him, In Humility |
Kookaburra (Sits in the Old Gum Tree) |