Why would you want to teach Cubs how to dance?
Apart from expanding their experience range, learning dance steps not only helps their coordination, but increases their confidence and socal skills, among other benefits. Dancing is also a fun way to keep fit
There are many types of dance of course, however I will keep to mainly dances that are done individually, and simple partner dances such as the barn dance
Dancing Should be made as interesting as possible for the group. Some will maybe need a degree of motivation to start with as they think that dancing is "old hat". They have to be shown that they can enjoy the experience. Added incentive can be given by telling yarns that fit in with the dance you are teaching, as well as playing a few musical games as a competition.
When teaching dance, make sure you
The song titles listed in brackets beside the dance name are only suggestions, so you can get the right beat, but any song with that beat will be fine. In fact, using songs the group may already know makes it easier and more enjoyable.
If you are having trouble working out how to fit some moves in correctly, try youtube, as I am sure there are examples of most, if not all of these on there somewhere
These notes were dragged out of the cobwebs from my early 1980's "Sport and Rec" training notes.
Solo Dances-
Partner Dances-
Hali-GaliTake two sliding steps to your right, and clap twiceTake two sliding steps to your left, and clap twice Take two sliding steps to your right, and clap twice Take two slow steps forward (2 beats per step) Make a 1/4 turn to your right, and take 3 quick steps backwards Start again Hitchiker(Wheelin' West Virginia; Jump in my car) Reach both your arms out in front of you - palms down 1-Flip Right hand over, 2- Flip left hand over (sore hands) 1- Right hand over onto left shoulder, 2- left hand over onto right shoulder (aching shoulders) 1 - Right hand on left hip, 2- left hand on right hip (hungry tummy) 1- Right hand onto left knee, 2- left hand onto right knee (sore legs) 1 - Right hand on right hip, 2- left hand on left hip (aching back) Hitch 1,2 with Right arm Hitch 1,2 with left arm (No cars stopped for us so we start again) (note - in each of the paired movements, maintain 1 while doing 2 so that, (eg)arms are crossed while on opposite shoulders). Hustle(The Hustle, What can I say) Starting with Right foot, take 3 steps forward and tap with left foot Starting with Left foot, take 3 steps backward and tap with right foot With Right foot, take 3 turning steps to the Right and tap with left foot (finish facing your original direction) Repeat turn to left begining with Left foot Step to right once, put left foot behind, change weight back to Right leg Repeat to left Click heels together twice Tap in front twice with right foot, and once backwards Point foot forward, back, forward Swivel 1/4 turn & clap, ready to start again Maddison(Rio, Nutbush City Limits) RIGHT - Slide your right foot out to the right twice. LEFT - Slide your left foot out to the side twice. RIGHT - Slide your right foot back twice. LEFT - Slide your left foot back twice. Bring your left knee up to touch your right elbow twice Bring your right knee up to touch your left elbow twice Kick with your right foot Kick with your left foot Clap once and jump 1/4 turn to your right Keep repeating entire dance sequence until the music stops March of the ModsThis can be danced singley, or in groups of 2 or 4, or in one long line. If done in groups/line, stand behind the person in front of you and put your hands on their hips. Right Foot - heel, toe, heel, toe Left Foot - heel, toe, heel, toe Jump Forward, Jump Back take 3 Jumps Forward start again (the 3 fwd jumps moves you all towards the wall, so doing this in a circle avoids that challenge). Penquin(Rockin' Robin) Tell the group to imagine that they are a hungry lettle penquin who is trying to catch a fish for his supper. He has just found a hole in the ice where an Eskimo had been fishing, so he decides to try his luck at the same hole. He waits for a while, then gets the brilliant idea to tap the ice. When a penquin taps his feet, his small wings also move. (hand movements are done with your elbows kept touching your sides)
Right hand and foot turn outwards & back twice. Sloosh(Mosquito mash) Take 3 steps to LEFT beginning with Left foot and then kick Right foot across left and clap once (during kick) Repeat to Right Repeat again to Left Slide-close-slide to your right, bring Left foot up behind you and slap it with your right hand (then return foot to ground) Raise right knee, clap both hands ON your thigh, then clap them UNDER your raised leg As you do the last clap, swivel 1/4 turn to your left, ready tpo start again. Wellington(Blue Jeans, In the Mood) Start with your left foot behind your right, and your weight mostly on your right, so you can step easily onto your left first. Step Forward on your left. Bring your right foot in front and tap once Step back on your right Bring left foot back behind the right Step Forward on your left. Bring your right foot in front and tap twice Step back on your right Bring left foot behind Step Forward on your left. Bring your right foot in front and tap three times Step back on your right Bring left foot behind Step Forward on your left. Bring your right foot forward, tap once, and kick to the left. Step back on your right Bring left foot behind Step Forward on your left. Bring your right foot forward, tap once, kick to the left, kick to the middle. Step back on your right Bring left foot back behind the right Step Forward on your left. Bring your right foot forward, tap once, kick to the left, kick to the middle, kick to the right. (As you kick right, also swivel to the right 1/4 turn on your left foot Step back on your right, ready to start again facing the new direction
Partner Dances-  Barn Dance(start in a double circle (partnered) - boys inside, girls on outside, facing anti-clockwise around the circle) - holding "inside" hands Walk 3 steps forward Walk 3 steps backwards Turn back to back - boys facing in, girls facing out All Walk forward 3 steps and clap (on 4th count) Turn to face each other & walk to each other (3 steps) Join hands, and take two sliding steps (in anti-clockwide direction) Take two sliding steps back the other way Link arms and swing (clockwise), Girl spins on to next partner, and we start again (You can use the Using upper promenade position (holding both of partners hands, L-L in front, R-R on girls right shoulder) for the starting hold if preferred)
B.I.N.G.O.(the song B.I.N.G.O) With hands joined in one large circle - Walk 8 steps right Walk 8 steps left Walk 4 steps forward (toward centre of the circle) Walk 4 steps backwards Walk 4 steps forward Walk 4 steps backwards BreakmixerHold partner's hand and walk 8 steps forward Turn to face each other, take 4 steps backwards Stamp 3 times, clap 3 times< br> Come together, link arms sliding Break apart and walk around the room to find a new partner Start again with new partner when music says to Canadian Fling or Martian HopThis dance can be done in two ways (both partnered):- 1. in a barn-dance circle, facing anti-clockwise, using upper-promenade hold (see Barn Dance) Take three steps forward, both pivot, so girl is now on boys left, keeping hands held. take three steps backwards (still anti-clockwise) repeat steps - pivot - steps, to end up at start position Change to holding just inside hands, Jump towards each other jump back out boys stay facing same way, while Girls step into line behind him Jump in, Jump out Girl turns to face her new partner, and we start again 2. Free formation with a partner, but all facing same direction, using upper-promenade hold (see Barn Dance), or just holding inside hands Take three steps forward, pivot as above, (swap hands if using alternate hold) take three steps backwards (still anti-clockwise) repeat steps - pivot - steps, to end up at start position Jump in, jump out Girls go behind Jump in, Jump out Girls go in front, keep same partner, and start again Can Can Polka(Oh Suzanna) Partners facing, holding hands In anticlockwise direction, heel, toe, heel, toe, take 4 sliding stpes forward Rpt both in clockwise direction Clap your right hands (3 claps) Clap left hands (3 claps) Clap both hands (3 claps- on partners hands) Clap hands on own thighs (3 claps) link right arms & swing, link left arms with new partner and turn to face, ready to staart again KreuzdanzSection 1. with 4 in each group, form a star formation with right hands together. Take 8 steps forward (around star) Change to left-hand star Take 8 steps forward (around star) All drop hands and face centre Section 2 3 jumps back 3 jumps forward 3 jumps 1/2 circle right 3 jumps 1/2 circle left Repeat last-2 twice more, getting faster each time La RaspaFacing your partner, hands on hips Start on left foot Left heel, right heel, left heel, clap, clap Right heel, left heel, right heel, clap, clap Repeat both above 3 more times Link right arms, swing for 7 beats, stop and yell "OLE" Link left arms, swing for 7 beats, stop and yell "OLE" Repeat both above Start again Mambo(You're the one - Mr Tamborine) (start in a double circle (partnered) - boys inside, girls on outside, facing partner holding Both hands Take two sliding steps (in anti-clockwide direction) Take two sliding steps back Hold inside hands, facing anti-clockwise Take two (small) sliding steps away from each other Take two sliding steps back towards from each other Take two (small) sliding steps away from each other Take One sliding step in, then link right arms and swing Girl moves (in clockwise direction) on to next partner. Seven Jumps(unsure of the music piece, sorry) All in one (or two) large circlesbr Slip to your right for 7 steps turn on the 8th Slip to left for 7 steps. (sustained note) lift right knee (sustained note) back to two feet   Repeat as above, but as dance progresses there are more sustained notes. On the last one you have to do all these moves... right knee up left knee up Kneel on right knee Kneel on both knees Right elbow on the ground left elbow on the ground head on the ground Don't forget others like the chicken-dance and hokey-pokey etc as well.   Last updated 2nd April 2010. Email me anytime - i2 @ robian .net (without the spaces). |